zondag 3 oktober 2010

Law of victory

- an unwillingness to accept defeat
- approach the challenges with the resolve to take their people to victory
- find a way for the team to succeed
- there is no plan B, that is why you keep fighting

3 components of team victory:
1) Unity of vision
2) Diversity of skills
3) A leader dedicated to victory and raising members to their potential

dinsdag 21 september 2010

Law of solid ground

Trust is *the most important* thing!
Trust is the glue that holds an organization together.
Trust is the foundation of leadership.
Trust is like change: every good decision is change into the pocket, every bad decision is change out of the pocket
Treat trust as your most precious asset

To build trust exemplify:
- competence (learning is ok),
- connection(takes time),
- character(every slip is fatal!)

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.

Character => Trust => Leadership. Character makes trust possible. Trust makes leadership possible.

Character communicates:
- consistency, you can't get much done in life if you only work on the days you feel good
- potential, no man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character
- respect, without character within, there can be no respect without

Build trust by achieving results, always with integrity and in a manner that shows a real personal regard for people with whom you work.

Earn respect by making sound decisions, by admitting mistakes, and by puttings what's best for your followers and the organization ahead of your personal agenda

Don't lie, look out for number one, take the easy road, pass the hot potato, ignore followers, take the credit, pass on blame.

Warning signs: unrest, rumbling, relationship eroding.

If you lack trust, is it due to competence, connection, and/or character?

Measures of trust:
- how open are your followers with you:
* do they share positive as well as negative opinions
* do they give good news as easily as bad news
* do they let you know what is happening in their are of responsibility
- how much responsibility do you receive from colleagues and bosses

To develop character:
- integrity: make commitments and keep them,
- authenticity: be yourself with everybody
- discipline: do the right thing everyday regardless of how you feel

- Making decisions based on what is best for the company versus personal gain
- Stating opinions honestly
- Delivering on commitments
- Taking a stand on tough issues
- Being approachable and asking for feedback
- Treating everyone the same
- Trusting and working collaboratively with others
- Being emotionally resilient in changing situations

- Break through negativity. It’s easier to question, dissect and disregard. Great leaders express excitement about the future and confidence in the ability of others
- Learn together. Typical leaders analyze decisions without the feedback from those most affected by the issue at hand. Inclusive decision-making shows consideration and respect for others, results in better decisions and stronger commitment, and more successful outcomes.
- Challenge the status quo. Get out from behind the desk. Leadership requires situational awareness and the courage to articulate what others are thinking. Get real by hanging out with your staff and peers and asking questions.

dinsdag 14 september 2010

law of priorities

Activity is not necessarily accomplishment.

Prioritizing requires you to continually think ahead.

The 1st responsibility of a leader is to define reality. For a leader, everything is on the table.

Pareto principle: focus on the top 20% of activities that give you 80% of the return
- if you have 10 employees, focus 80% on best 2
- if you have 10 todo items, the 2 most important ones will give you 80% return on your time


Requirement: What must I do that nobody can or should do for me? If it's not necessary, don't do it. If it's necessary but I don't need to do it personally, delegate.

Return: Focus your time on your areas of strength. Leader stays out of comfort zone, but in strength zone. If somebody else can do something at least 80% as well as yourself, delegate. If you have responsbility somebody else could do (or potentially do) at least 80% as well then train that person to handle it.

Reward:Do the things you love. They give you energy and passion in life.

zondag 5 september 2010

Summary and notes on law of empowerment

Antithesis of empowering leader: undermining other leaders and looking over shoulders of own people

Only secure leaders are able to give power to others without feeling threatened

"The best executive is the one who has the sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and the self restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it."

To keep others down, you have to go down with them. You lose the power to lift others up.

When a leader can't or won't empower others, he creates barriers followers cannot overcome.

3 reasons for failing to empower others:
- job security. Paradox = The only way to make yourself indispensable is to make yourself dispensable.
- resistance to change. "It is the nature of man as he grows older to protest against change, particularly change fo the better". Effective leaders are change agents (for improvement)
- lack of self-worth. "You can't lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse".

The greatest things happen only when you give others credit.

The window and the mirror (from "Good to Great"). When things go well, a good leader (level 5) looks out the window to see the environment and people responsible, when things go bad, he looks in the mirror. (A bad leader vice versa)

To empower people, believe in them. If you belive in others, they will believe in themselves.

Enlarging others make you larger.

maandag 30 augustus 2010

summary and notes on law of connection

A brief summary of the "law of connection" as detailled in the book "The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership" by John C. Maxwell.

To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart. Heart before the head.

When speaking engage on a human level, don't give dry facts.

You must move people with emotion before you can move people to action.

Touch people's hearts before you ask them for a hand.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Even in a group, you have to relate to people as individuals. Focus on talking to one person

Guidelines for connecting:

1) connect with yourself
Be confident, people don't heed the call of an uncertain trumpet.
Be yourself.

2) communicate with openness and sincerity

3) know your audience
What do they care about (instead of what you care about)

4) live your message
Practice what you preach

5) go to where they are
Physical location, but also culture, background, education, language, etc.
Adapt to the other.

6) focus on them, not yourself

7) believe in them
Do you communicate because you have something of value to say, or because you believe the other has value to add?
People care less for what they see in us than for what we can help them see in themselves. Everyone wants to grow.

8) offer direction and hope
Give people hope and you give them a future.
Do more than help others get to where they want to go.

Successfull leaders are initiators when it comes to connecting. They do not expect followers to connect to them because "they are the boss".

review: 21 irrefutable laws of leadership

If I were to compile a list of 21 skills that:

1) I have little or no natural talent for
2) I am not currently good in (having not developed these skills actively)
3) I have never considered very important

then this list would look very similar to the skills listed in the book "The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership" by John C. Maxwell.

I love it! I'm like a sailor lost at sea who sees an unfamiliar coastline looming on the distant horizon. Land ahoy indeed!

Every single chapter in this book offers an opportunity for me to learn and grow. It's as if John Maxwell wrote down a self improvement program specifically tailored to me.

In the appendices, there's a questionnaire allowing you to quantify your leadership ability. I filled it in and identified the skills that I'm best in:

1) law of empowerment: delegating work to others, making sure they can do it, and then getting out of the way.
2) law of victory: doing whatever it takes to win
3) law of priorities: making sure you are doing only the important stuff
4) law of connection: keeping it human
5) law of solid ground: be open and truthfull always

In the coming weeks/months, I'm going to be focusing on developing these skills into strengths as the basis for my leadership. Of course they're only 5 of the 21 but as the book itself also mentions, always focus on the 20% that gives 80% of the rewards.

vrijdag 25 juni 2010

Themeparks, jogging, and life

In the Efteling (theme park) they have a rollercoaster ride called "The Flying Dutchmen". The queue, which starts outside of the building, winds it way through a maze of small rooms inside until finally reaching the ride.

And this is annoying! Much more annoying than if the entire long queue were just visible at one glance. The reason is that each time you enter a new room, you hope that this is the last one. Then when it isn't you're dissapointed. But then of course you hope that this is really the last one... etc.

In contrast, when jogging you want a nice path winding through the woods with lots of twists and turns. Nothing is more discouraging than seeing an endless road stretch on before you into the distance, knowing that you'll have to run all that way. In the forest, you may have no idea how far you still need to go, but you can at least accomplish a smaller goal of reaching the next bend.

The difference between jogging and waiting in a queue? For the queue your goal is the ride, the queue is just an unfortunate necessity. For jogging, the goal is the jogging itself, where you end up isn't really all that important.

Ideally, life is like jogging in the forest, but all too often it feels like waiting in the queue.

vrijdag 4 juni 2010

SharePoint and automated testing

SharePoint is a horrible platform to build applications on. And even more so to automate testing against, with the ui and the data layer so completely interwoven. Even more difficult is writing tests for code spaghetti already written on top of SharePoint by somebody else. Nevertheless, this is what I've been doing the last couple of weeks and actually having some fun with it too. Thought I might share some of the things I learnt.

As refactoring the existing spaghetti code was not an option, I ended up building automated acceptance and integration tests that had to deal explicitly with the SharePoint environment. There were few opportunities for unit tests but if I have time I'll definitely put them in place too.


First off, most existing spaghetti code on top of SharePoint will use the global SPContext.Current somewhere. Nasty, nasty, nasty... . Of course, this dependency should have been nicely injected into the object using it, but this is seldom the case. So to create a "fake" SPContext for testing purposes, use code along the lines of (see also here):

String url = "http://myhost.com/mysitecollection";
SPUserToken token;
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url))
token = site.SystemAccount.UserToken;
SPSite site = new SPSite(url, token);
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest("", url, "");
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(request, new HttpResponse(TextWriter.Null));
HttpContext.Current.Items["HttpHandlerSPWeb"] = site.OpenWeb();

Explanation: SPContext looks in the current HttpContext for a reference to the current SharePoint web site. We create a reference by using an existing site url, creating a site (collection) object for the url (impersonating the SystemAccount when we create it so that the tests will have access to lists etc), and finally getting the actual web site object for the url and storing it in HttpContext. Note: The HttpContext.Current we create is a dummy one but we do need an actual existing SharePoint site url.

Now this will get you started. Now you can create tests that call existing spaghetti code and not run into problems if this code calls SPContext.Current.


However, spaghetti SharePoint code often instatiates new SPSite objects left and right (to get access to lists for example) and this causes other problems.

Each time a new site is instantiated in the spaghetti code, it will "run" under the account you are using to run the automated tests. So not the SystemAccount we so nicely impersonated for the SPContext.Current above. Typically, the testing account will not have the necessary rights to do whatever the spaghetti code is trying to do (access lists more often that not). So, to solve this problem, run your test code with elevated privileges using code similar to:

SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() {
// automated testing code that calls the existing spaghetti code

Running with elevated priviliges ensures that the test has full rights to do whatever it wants. Evil but it gets the job done.


A final tip. If you test code is going to get items from lists, update them and then save them back to the list, you're probably going to hit some errors regarding a HTTP GET not being allowed to do an update. This has to do with the fake HttpContext created above and the SharePoint security model. I didn't dive to deep here but the problem can typically be resolved by using code along the lines of:

web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

Here web is the web site you containing the lists you want to update. I just ended up adding this code to my automated tests if I hit the GET problem. But I'm sure there's a better solution out there (and if so, please tell me about it).


1) A great thing about writing the automated tests was that I didn't have to attach my VS debugger to the wp3.exe process even once! I just ran (in debug mode if necesary) the tests, which speeded up my development significantly.

2) I initially built all my tests in vs2008 (using mstest) but at the end realized I couldn't run my test in acceptance environment without installing visual studio there completely! Since this is evil and NOT an option, I also made the tests run under NUnit as NUnit has a nice ui tool that can be easily installed (and deinstalled) on an acceptance environment. So I now had a test dll that could run in both testing frameworks and it cost very little extra work :-)

3) Of course, the above testing context is completely unsuited for testing any security functionality as it heavy handedly usurps full control to get the job done.

That's it for now. Happy SharePoint testing!

donderdag 1 april 2010

Freelance pitfalls

Here a short list of some of the reocurring pitfalls that I have noticed during my 5 years of freelancing (a number of which I have fallen for at some point or another).

Taking the 1st job offer that comes along: ok, so you've just finished you're last job, or it's your last week, and there along comes a new job offer. Great! Grab it immediately and you're set for the next weeks/months. No financial worries, no need to network and do any sales. Great for business right? Wrong! If anything, if you find yourself always taking the 1st job that comes along then you're either not selective enough, not asking enough money, and/or have no long term strategy that you want to achieve. Besides, if you're like me, chances are one of the reasons you wanted to be a freelancer is to have more free time to do "stuff". If you're jumping from one job to the next without a break, you might as well get a full time job.

Trainings are a waste of time: Trainings are expensive! Not only do they cost money, they are also time you can't bill to a customer. That hurts twice as much (sort of like holidays). So, it's quite easy to skip doing any training and coast along on what you learn during paid jobs. If you find work then obviously there's no need for training, right? Wrong! Again, this is short term thinking. The most important asset in your company is you. If you don't invest in yourself then you are devaluating. Training broadens your scope, gives you new energy, and opens up new options. Would you work for a company that gave you no training. I don't think so. So don't let that company be you! If you realize it's been five years since you last took a training, then you're long overdue.

Fishing around for the perfect full time job: I used to have my c.v. on job boards while I was freelancing, just in case the "perfect" full time job came along. I mean, what could it hurt right? Wrong! This is an insidious one and it took me a while to realize it. It signifies you're not fully committed to freelancing and as a result, you will not achieve your maximum potential. The c.v. is a sort of safety net, if things go wrong I can always go back to a nice safe job. It's a placebo for freelance fear but a distracting one. What happens if a reasonable job comes along? It may not be perfecct but maybe you're inbetween work, or unhappy with your current customer, or... whatever. The job may suddenly seem tempting, and you go the interview, and you negotiate the price, and... then you realize you don't want give up freelancing and the freedom and the money, and.. then you start doubting, and etc... Basically, the c.v. is a distraction and a waste of time. It causes you to lose focus and will hamper your chance of success. Better to choose for freelancing and go for it 100%. That is the only way to make it work.

I want to build my own company: So there you are, a reasonably successfull freelancer for a number of years, with a couple of customers who like to use your services from time to time. But still, somethings missing. Wouldn't it be nice to have your own company, with employees working for you, so that you can grow, and get more clients, and take on bigger jobs. A company that you could sell when you get old to have a nice retirement pension. Great idea right? Wrong! Chances are that if you're a successfull freelancer, and you like it, then you're probably somebody who likes freedom and independence. This is the opposite of what a company brings you. Somebody who starts a company generally has a different personality profile than somebody who is successfull at freelancing. The urge for a company comes from financial fear for the future. What you really want is alot of money on the bank for your old age, not the hassle of having to run your own company.

Sticking around at a client: So you have a good working relationship with a customer and you've come back a number of times for jobs already but , the jobs are really not all that exciting. In fact, they're downright boring, you're not learning anything anymore, you're not really adding that much value to the customer, but you stick it out cause they pay well (and by the hour). Part of the job right? Wrong! You're the boss of your company. You determine what is part of the job. If you find that the desk chair is shaping itself to your contours and you've settled into a nice, cozy, safe routine, then it's probably time to move on. Otherwise, you're just a full time employee, only slightly better paid. Remember, a large part of your value as freelancer is being available!

Networking is scary: I'm a techy, geek, developer type and nothing scares me more than stepping into a room full of business suits and trying to mingle. I generally end up lost in some corner trying to look busy and/or interesting. Both of which I fail at miserably. Or at least, that's generally the mental image I have, and this is a big fat hurdle I have to overcome every time I go to anything remotely networkish. Stands to reason then that I find plenty of excuses not do to any networking. But you have too. And when you do, it always turns out ok. Maybe not brilliant but I find I always end up speaking to a number of interesting people, learning some new ideas, and gaining some energy. It may all not really help my business directly, but I always feel good afterwards. Sort of like fitness, which I never feel like doing, but I never regret afterwards.

woensdag 24 maart 2010

Another 2 book reviews

Lean software development: An agile toolkit, by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Great book! Definitely choc a bloc full of really usefull information. This is a book I'll be returning to many times and each time I will probably learn something new. Alot of the stuff needs hands on experience first to really understand the value of what has been written down but I'm definitely eager to get started right away.

User stories applied: for agile software development, by Mike Cohn

A pleasant, easy read. Nothing very shocking but good to have on paper to grab for reference. there is quite a bit of padding to the book, it could have been a bit thinner without having lost value I feel.

maandag 15 maart 2010

Two book reviews

Test driven development: by example (Kent Beck)

An easy read (also quite thin). Didn't learn too much new but the later sections/appendixes that list refactoring patterns were quite interesting (I hadn't read about them before but I sure recognised some of them!).

Growing object-oriented software, guided by tests (Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce)
Sometimes a tad theoretic, sometimes a tad too practical. The automated testing of the user interface (reading value of label for example) is too extreme for my tastes but it was impressive to see it done. Great book to learn about mocking and mock objects! After all, Steve and Nat helped build jmock. It also expanded my ideas of TDD. I was to focused on unit tests but this book broadened my scope to include tests at every level and not to get too hung up with terminology.

dinsdag 23 februari 2010

Birthday greeting kata in C# .Net

One of the katas that I have recently had the pleasure of finding and trying out is the birthday greeting kata by Matteo Vaccari. It's a great exercise in what I have termed "refounding" of existing software (see an earlier post). Here is an opportunity to take existing code, refactor, and add unit tests.

Now I'm no java expert and although I had fun playing around with Eclipse, I felt more like a toddler learning to take it's first steps than a kung fu code master (not that I am that either mind you). So I decided to have some fun and port the code to C# .Net. If you're interested you can find it here (Visual Studio 2008 unit testing).

Have fun :-)

dinsdag 16 februari 2010

Refound your software

I've experienced first hand how making any changes to existing in use software can be a nightmare. Complaints from the business that each new change seems to take longer, cost more, and lead to new bugs are well justified. Why is this? Well scrum has taught me all about technical debt, and how this leads to increasing problems as the life of the software lengthens. So obviously, next time I'll do it better!
But for now, for all those companies with existing software suffering from technical debt, what about them? Well, I like the concept of "refounding" or rennovating them. So don't throw the software away and start over. This is much to risky, costly, and time consuming. Instead, whenever a change needs to be made to the software use the following steps to refound safely:
- create tests (most likely not unit tests) for the code that will be changed and make sure that they run (green).
- refactor the code to improve the structure and allow unit test to be created (enabling mocking is an important one here). Do this is small steps and make sure that after each step all tests as still green.
- then make the desired changes that triggered all this (be it a bug fix or a new feature etc). Of course, use test driven development here, and again make sure all tests stay green during the process.
This way, the software is improved slowly step by step, but only in the areas a change was desired anyway. So the entire software is not refounded, only the parts driven by business value. Most likely, 80% of all the changes will focus on 20% of the code. So refounding is a low risk, driven by business values approach to improving existing software. I think this will go a long way to lengthening the life span of existing software.

dinsdag 9 februari 2010

Agile books

My first agile/scrum book was "Succeeding with agile" by Mike Cohn. At the time, I was looking for an introduction to Scrum. This book was not it. The book is all about how to introduce scrum into your organization, so it assumes you know what scrum is and preferably have had some experience with it. That being said, I learnt everything I needed to know about scrum as I read it. In addition, as a bonus, I immediately also learnt the troubles one is likely to encounter in the "real" world with scrum: organizations that say "great, but not for us" or managers that are scared for their job, etc. So in short, it actually worked out for me.

Today I received my 2nd book: "Test driven development: by example", by Kent Beck. I'm very eagre to get started as test driven development is one of the key XP elements that works so well together with scrum, but one that few organizations (I have seen) are doing.

I have also ordered the following books to complete my agile library (for now, but I'm open to other suggestions!):

Lean software development: An agile toolkit, by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Extreme programming explained: Embrace change, by Kent Beck and Cynthia Andres

User stories applied: for agile software development, by Mike Cohn

dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Test driven development workshop

The company I'm currently working for is interested in starting up with Scrum but finding it difficult to make headway. As a start, they've decided to start familiarizing themselves with some of the agile and scrum elements. For example, they asked me to prepare a Test Driven Development (TDD) workshop for them so that they could gain a better understanding of what the benefits are.

Not being an experienced TDDer either, I googled the great StingCalculator Kata by Roy Osherove and prepared this. I found this to be a great kata for TDD because:
1) it allows for incremental building of tests and functionality (triangulation)
2) it quickly demonstrates the value of refactoring and reuse of code
3) you can easily hit red when going for the Obvious Implementation (fast) and so it forces you to go back to Fake It and Traingulation (slow).

I also made a short introduction to TDD and this Kata.

donderdag 28 januari 2010

Scrum but not software

During the scrum master course, Jeff mentioned that he was working with a venture capitalist firm that was using scrum internally. This triggered me because as a developer, I'm familiar with scrum for building software. But here was a company using scrum that was definitely not building software. Of course, I really shouldn't have been that surprised. Most of the principles underlying scrum seem to have come from how Toyota builds cars.

Intrigued, I read the paper by Jeff on this company: "Take no prisoners". From this I learnt that even project driven companies, with multiple project managers each working on their own project, can still benefit from implementing scrum. It's a bumpy road and things are much less clear than they are for a software company, but the principles stay the same.

The difficulties for the company discussed in the paper seem to center around getting "done" and "ready" defined. And to do this, they have had to reorganize the way they work. Obviously a commited team over there. Other problems center around creating overlapping expertise within the scrum teams. Initially, everyone has their own projects, so there is little or no overlap. But in time this seems to have grown and improved, allowing for greater efficiency.

The good news is that this company is seeing productivity double+ (and with less working hours). So maybe there's hope yet for all you over worked managers out there!

dinsdag 26 januari 2010

Certified scrum master!

Five years ago I started my own IT company JanXL. Since then I haven't been without freelance work unless I chose to be. Which is great :-)

But I realized I hadn't been to a course in over 5 years as well. So it was time to talk to management (me). After all, a good company invests in it's employees. Luckily, it was an easy sell, which is why, come last thursday, I found myself in a room of 40+ IT people all hanging on the lips of scrum founder Jeff Sutherland.

It was great! Despite the course consisting mainly of 2 full days of slides , Jeff is the real deal and he told from personal experience which kept it interesting. Luckily, there were a few exercises and games. The scrum master course was organized by Xebia who also organize the scrum meetup nl (next one is februari 4 in Hilversum).

So now I'm a scrum convert, certified scrum master, member of the agile alliance, and eager to go out an preach the agile gospel.

Which is why I started this blog. To chronicle my agile adventures (or lack thereof).

Wish me luck :-)