woensdag 24 maart 2010

Another 2 book reviews

Lean software development: An agile toolkit, by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Great book! Definitely choc a bloc full of really usefull information. This is a book I'll be returning to many times and each time I will probably learn something new. Alot of the stuff needs hands on experience first to really understand the value of what has been written down but I'm definitely eager to get started right away.

User stories applied: for agile software development, by Mike Cohn

A pleasant, easy read. Nothing very shocking but good to have on paper to grab for reference. there is quite a bit of padding to the book, it could have been a bit thinner without having lost value I feel.

maandag 15 maart 2010

Two book reviews

Test driven development: by example (Kent Beck)

An easy read (also quite thin). Didn't learn too much new but the later sections/appendixes that list refactoring patterns were quite interesting (I hadn't read about them before but I sure recognised some of them!).

Growing object-oriented software, guided by tests (Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce)
Sometimes a tad theoretic, sometimes a tad too practical. The automated testing of the user interface (reading value of label for example) is too extreme for my tastes but it was impressive to see it done. Great book to learn about mocking and mock objects! After all, Steve and Nat helped build jmock. It also expanded my ideas of TDD. I was to focused on unit tests but this book broadened my scope to include tests at every level and not to get too hung up with terminology.