dinsdag 26 januari 2010

Certified scrum master!

Five years ago I started my own IT company JanXL. Since then I haven't been without freelance work unless I chose to be. Which is great :-)

But I realized I hadn't been to a course in over 5 years as well. So it was time to talk to management (me). After all, a good company invests in it's employees. Luckily, it was an easy sell, which is why, come last thursday, I found myself in a room of 40+ IT people all hanging on the lips of scrum founder Jeff Sutherland.

It was great! Despite the course consisting mainly of 2 full days of slides , Jeff is the real deal and he told from personal experience which kept it interesting. Luckily, there were a few exercises and games. The scrum master course was organized by Xebia who also organize the scrum meetup nl (next one is februari 4 in Hilversum).

So now I'm a scrum convert, certified scrum master, member of the agile alliance, and eager to go out an preach the agile gospel.

Which is why I started this blog. To chronicle my agile adventures (or lack thereof).

Wish me luck :-)

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