dinsdag 9 februari 2010

Agile books

My first agile/scrum book was "Succeeding with agile" by Mike Cohn. At the time, I was looking for an introduction to Scrum. This book was not it. The book is all about how to introduce scrum into your organization, so it assumes you know what scrum is and preferably have had some experience with it. That being said, I learnt everything I needed to know about scrum as I read it. In addition, as a bonus, I immediately also learnt the troubles one is likely to encounter in the "real" world with scrum: organizations that say "great, but not for us" or managers that are scared for their job, etc. So in short, it actually worked out for me.

Today I received my 2nd book: "Test driven development: by example", by Kent Beck. I'm very eagre to get started as test driven development is one of the key XP elements that works so well together with scrum, but one that few organizations (I have seen) are doing.

I have also ordered the following books to complete my agile library (for now, but I'm open to other suggestions!):

Lean software development: An agile toolkit, by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Extreme programming explained: Embrace change, by Kent Beck and Cynthia Andres

User stories applied: for agile software development, by Mike Cohn

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