dinsdag 14 september 2010

law of priorities

Activity is not necessarily accomplishment.

Prioritizing requires you to continually think ahead.

The 1st responsibility of a leader is to define reality. For a leader, everything is on the table.

Pareto principle: focus on the top 20% of activities that give you 80% of the return
- if you have 10 employees, focus 80% on best 2
- if you have 10 todo items, the 2 most important ones will give you 80% return on your time


Requirement: What must I do that nobody can or should do for me? If it's not necessary, don't do it. If it's necessary but I don't need to do it personally, delegate.

Return: Focus your time on your areas of strength. Leader stays out of comfort zone, but in strength zone. If somebody else can do something at least 80% as well as yourself, delegate. If you have responsbility somebody else could do (or potentially do) at least 80% as well then train that person to handle it.

Reward:Do the things you love. They give you energy and passion in life.

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